Occasional Invaders, Rodents

How to Get Rid of Mice

Are you looking to get rid of mice and other creepy insects that are invading your home? Learn how to get rid of the top 4 Midwest rodents. Learning about these rodents will help you to identify them and keep them out. Let our pest experts put your fears to rest with fall pest tips. Enjoy the changing of the season while keeping pests out. Problems with mice? You’re not alone, lately we’ve been receiving a lot of calls on how to keep rodents out. We have kept you safe through summer with tips for your garden and tips for your trash. Now let us help ease you into fall comfortably by teaching you how to get rid of mice and rats.

The Top 3 Mice and Rats in the Midwest

According to the National Pest Management Association, an estimated 21 million U.S. homes are invaded by rodents each year. Education is the first defense against any pest problem. We’ve curated all you need to know to defeat these survivalists coming into cooler weather. Knowing the top 6 signs of mice and rats will help keep your home protected. Watch the video below to learn how rodents get inside and click on the rodent below for more information on identifying.

You Got Rid of the Mice But What About the Fall Bugs?

As if battling rats and mice weren’t enough to keep you frustrated, other common fall pests such as asian beetles, stink bugs, and boxelder bugs are making their way in now, too. Through torn window screens and unsealed chimneys, some of these sun-seeking pests will actually hibernate in your walls. Click on the Bug Barometer below to take a closer look at what pests are looking to invade in your region.
