
Know the signs of termite infestation to keep your property protected.

What to Expect This Spring

Termites are one of the most destructive and costly pests we see on a daily basis come spring. Known as “silent destroyers,” termites will chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper-undetected. Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive species of termite as they eat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By educating yourself and learning the warning signs of termite infestation, you can save your property and your wallet from these invasive pests. 

Termite Myths vs Facts 

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about termites. It’s a sore subject for those who have dealt with them. But those who have never had an encounter with these insects might not be aware of the truth about them.


  1. Termites are not a big deal. You never see them.MYTH! The most common type of termite we have here in the Midwest is the subterranean termite. They live underground. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist!
  2. It’s too cold in Illinois and Wisconsin for termites to survive.

    MYTH! Again, the only U.S. state cold enough to keep termites away is Alaska. Termites DO exist all over Wisconsin, Northern Illinois and even the Windy City!!
  3. The odds of a homeowner getting termites is so low. If it DOES happen, homeowner’s insurance will cover it.MYTH! Believe it or not, a pest that causes more than $5 billion in property damage every year is NOT covered by most homeowners’ insurance policies.

Signs of Termites to Watch for This Spring

There are many steps a homeowner can take to help prevent termites from infesting their property. Most importantly, a homeowner should eliminate or reduce moisture in and around their home, which termites need in order to thrive. Termite LOVE rotting wood. Improper drainage and waterlogged landscaping materials are magnets for termites. Learn the biological difference between a flying ant vs. a swarmer termite and see what termite mud tubes look like, here. 
