Why It’s Important to Keep Mice Out

Why It’s Important to Keep Mice Out

Rodents Why it’s Important to Keep Mice Out this Holiday Season They may seem insignificant if you see one in your garage or find one in a box of Christmas decorations you bring down from the attic. But like we always tell our customers, there’s never just one mouse....
How to Avoid Getting Bed Bugs

How to Avoid Getting Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs Kids are out of school. It’s been so long since you’ve gotten away. Summer is finally here. Vacation season is officially in full swing. Unfortunately, due to the increase in travel this year, so is the possibility of getting bed bugs. Want to know how...
Where do fruit flies come from?

Where do fruit flies come from?

Flying, Biting, & Stinging Insects In the summertime, when it’s extra sticky and gross, humid and moist, things get ripe pretty fast. During the winter I can leave a bowl full of fruit out on the counter at room temperature and neglect it all I want without a...